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4 Tips to Maximize Office 365 for eDiscovery - part 2

O365 logoThe first part of this article can be read here.

3. Leverage other advanced features of Security and Compliance Center.

All businesses must abide by certain general and industry-specific rules and regulations, whether that’s regulatory frameworks like HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and FACTA (Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act) or privacy-related regulations such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act). The Office 365 Security and Compliance Center can assist with those needs as well.

4 Tips to Maximize Office 365 for eDiscovery - part 1

Office 365 logoEmployees across every department at large and medium companies in the U.S. use several key software applications every day to be productive and manage their job duties – applications such as email, chat, calendar, spreadsheets and document sharing systems. Most of those companies, including most of our corporate and law firm clients, today use Microsoft’s subscription service, Office 365 (O365), which makes sense, as it is the most widely adopted cloud service with more than 180 million users.

How Legal Teams Can Support Proper Use of Open Source Software

MartyOpen source software (OSS) – some of the best, cleanest, and most secure code in use today – permeates project development at every level. Because of its widespread use, legal counsel will encounter it in almost any business. 

While OSS is often free in price, it is never free from obligations. The security risk that open source software creates isn’t that the code is likely to be problematic. The greater risk is that you won’t know where you use it – which means that you won’t know where to patch it. How can your organization ensure that it uses OSS properly and takes proper precautions with it?

How AI is transforming the legal landscape

Tim PullanGottfried Leibniz, one of the ‘grandfathers of artificial intelligence’, was, amongst other things, a lawyer. And despite dying some 300 years ago, he was clear on the benefits that AI could bring to the legal industry, stating: “It is unworthy of excellent men to lose hours like slaves in the labor of calculation which could safely be relegated to anyone else if machines were used.”

Legal IT Pros Should Take Note of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework

KulawiakOne of the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) key strategic initiatives has been the development of clear guidelines to help organizations manage cybersecurity-related risk. A growing number of U.S. federal agencies have adopted this cybersecurity framework for purposes of securing their systems and their third-party contractors’ systems as well.

How to define success and measure the impact of digital transformation in law firms

Ross TimmsFor many law firms, digital transformation is now a key business priority that requires immediate resolution; 100% of top 10 law firms and 40% of top 11-25 firms have identified technology as the key challenge to growth in the next 2 years1. And 85% of enterprise decision-makers stated they have a two-year period to make significant inroads into digital transformation or they will fall behind their competitors and suffer financially2.

The 90 Days LegalTech Challenge on LinkedIn

Ana María AlvarezDid you already hear about the 90 Days LegalTech Challenge? An interesting initiative by Ana Alvarez, a Columbian lawyer and legal innovation enthusiast.

The Challenge aims to raise awareness about innovative, customer centric and empathic LegalTech solutions.

How the Modern Cloud Levels the Playing Field for Small and Midsized Law Firms

Dan DosenLaw firms of all sizes are under constant pressure to adapt to changing client demands and an evolving workplace. They need to do this while enabling the effective creation and sharing – as well as the security and governance – of their work product. 

In the ongoing effort to meet these requirements, it might seem like the odds are stacked in favour of large firms. Technology, however, has a tendency to level the playing field – and increasingly, the cloud is serving as “the great equalizer” in the legal world, enabling the smaller and mid-sized law firms to keep pace technologically with the larger firms.

Liberté, égalité – penitentiary?

Sam RobertsMore about the French ban on Judge analytics

On 4 June 2019, the French Government criminalised the “reuse” of data identifying judges “with the purpose or effect of evaluating, analysing, comparing or predicting their actual or alleged professional practices” with a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison.

The legal tech sector was stunned. The move appears to run counter to the modern trends of open justice and the “consumerization” of inaccessible professions through technology. Start-ups may be asking themselves whether this is the start of a wider reactionary movement against these ideals, and whether the effort is worth the risks.

The State of Microsoft’s Matter Center (Part II)

Keith VallelyQuietly seeing Explosive Growth in Legal (part 2 of 2)

This is part II of Keith Vallely's story about the current state of Microsoft's Matter Center. Part 1 was published last week and can be found here.

When deploying a Matter Center instance, the technology partner must consult with their client and determine how much data is to be captured before Matter/Project creation, and what is to be used for document metadata tags, and what is to be used for reporting purposes.  

The State of Microsoft’s Matter Center

Keith VallelyQuietly seeing explosive growth in legal (part 1 of 2)

History -  At the end of 2015, with tremendous excitement, Microsoft released to Github all the source code for their ‘highly acclaimed” Matter Center.  The Matter Center was developed by Microsoft Legal Department for the sole purpose of providing an easy to use mechanism to turn Office365 and SharePoint online into a world class legal document management system. During 2014 and 2015, Microsoft had shown the Matter Center off at various legal technology venues to great fanfare, leading to much anticipation for its release and support to the legal community.  

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