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DPS Software Featured

288 Southbury Road, Herewood House, Enfield, United Kingdom, EN1 1TR
+44 20 8804 1022

Company profile

Become more efficient and agile with DPS Software. With a pedigree of over 35 years and a full, holistic suite of software, DPS Software can make your firm more profitable and productive, freeing you and your staff to work from anywhere.

The DPS range of software includes fully-web-browser-based practice, case and document management system, DPS Spitfire. Spitfire fully integrates with the DPS legal accounts software, Financial Director; client portal and companion app, MyLegalSpace and SafeChat; fee earner app, DPS Mobile; as well as almost any other third-party software you might want to integrate.

DPS are a gold cloud partner of Microsoft and all of our software comes fully hosted in the Azure cloud, ensuring you a 99.95% uptime.

With our practice management solution you get all the business intelligence you need to take action and make your firm more compliant and more successful.

The case management features in Spitfire and DPS Mobile, mean your staff are free to work efficiently and productively and manage their cases from wherever they are and on whatever device they may be using. Our flexible workflows mean you can start working more efficiently from the get-go and shape the workflows to fit your business.

The CMS is fully integrated with legal accounting software, Financial Director. This means that fee earners are able to send chits to accounts electronically for payment and get a full financial view of their cases. Financial Director is fully SRA and MTD compliant and makes your accounts team’s lives easier. Manual, time consuming tasks are completed with a few clicks and jobs that can take 2 weeks, now take less than 2 minutes.

And with all of this, you are supported by DPS’s Client Services, Technical Support and Engineering teams to help ensure that your business keeps going, whatever the situation.


How to Prepare Precedent H budgets or send files ‘contactless’ to a Costs Draftsman

If COVID 19 has taught us anything at all then it’s the paper light is a necessity not a nicety. You simply cannot work on a file together if you rely on paper. That’s it plain and simple. Working from home probably means you don’t have access to a paper file, if you do then are you obeying all the security and GDPR around that? DPS has a full precedent H/S time recording system that allows you to choose activities and work types along with the attendance notes as standard. Continue reading


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