
LDM Global announces sharp increase in customer satisfaction
Global News

LDM logoeDiscovery firm’s Net Promoter Score increases alongside its employee satisfaction level

LDM Global is pleased to announce that its Net Promoter Score for the second quarter of 2015 increased considerably over the 2014 score. LDM Global is a leading international provider of electronic discovery services for law firms, corporations and government agencies.

The Net Promoter Score is used to gauge the loyalty of customer relationships. NPS can range from negative 100 to positive 100, with the higher positive score meaning that a company has more clients acting as promoters of the company. LDM Global is at a healthy +38 in Q2 over a +24 for 2014. As part of LDM Global’s continued focus on improving customer service and its NPS, it has created a new customer service position.

“We are constantly working to ensure consistent, excellent customer service while continuing to increase our number of global litigation projects,” Director of Business Development Sarah Nunham said. “The massive increase over 2014’s Net Promoter Score is validation that our renewed focus on customer service processes are working. However, we don’t want to stop at 38. We’re working hard to maintain great relationships with our clients while ensuring their eDiscovery success, and we’d like our NPS to increase quarter after quarter to reflect that work we are doing.”

In addition to client satisfaction, LDM Global is also excited to announce that overall employee satisfaction is at 95 percent for 2015.

“One of the 2015 business plan objectives was to increase our employee satisfaction,” said LDM Global Founder and CEO Chris O’Reilly. “You spend so much time at work each week, it’s very important to me that our employees feel satisfied and happy. We work to create a great life-work balance, including fresh, organic fruit in the office, a fitness room and healthy contests and activities like hikes, ski outings etc. 


“When employees are happy, they do their best work,” O’Reilly said. “And when our employees are doing their best work, our clients are the real winners. Happy employees leads to happy customers.”


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