
Nidaan Systems Inc. Joins as Elite Alliance Partner
Global News

Elite logoLegal Industry Consultants Tailor Elite Solutions that Meet Clients’ Growing Needs

Thomson Reuters Elite today announced that Nidaan Systems Inc., a full-service consulting group in the legal industry, has signed on as an Alliance partner. With an extensive background with the deployment of Elite Enterprise and 3E systems and their related applications, this partnership assists Elite clients in meeting their changing needs and ultimately extending their investments.

With a focus on building solutions for law firms that cater to their front and back office requirements, Nidaan offers a full complement of services ranging from systems analysis, selection, implementation, customization, integration, administration and business intelligence. The Nidaan team has a deep level of understanding within the legal industry through its various technology and business engagements, including its involvement in various stages of the development of Elite Enterprise and 3E. As an Alliance partner, the Nidaan team applies that experience to provide Elite clients with a combination of on-shore and off-shore services designed to meet their individual needs in a timely, cost-effective manner.

“We are thrilled to join with Elite as an Alliance partner,” said Manish Goel, president of Nidaan. “Working closely with Elite clients, we are able to develop catered solutions that match their business requirements and help maintain a critical competitive edge. Whether Elite clients want complete, real-time integrated business systems, or are just looking to address one business issue at a time, our consultants provide exceptional support.”


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