
Smart Time Adds Enhanced Reporting to its Time Entry and Time Capture Modules

Global News

Smart Time logoNewest Version Gives Firms Increased Transparency into Time Data

Smart WebParts, provider of the most advanced time management platform, today announced Smart Time Version 3.4, which adds advanced time reporting to the application’s time entry and time capture modules.

Thomson Reuters Elite Forms New Alliance Partnership with Econocom

Global News

Elite logoEuropean Leader in Technology Finance Benefits Elite Clients with Flexible Solutions 

Thomson Reuters Elite today announced that European provider of business-to-business digital services Econocom has signed on as an Alliance partner to help Elite clients reduce IT costs while gaining maximum value from a high-performance, open-ended system.

IronBox Launches “One Click” Email Encryption Technology for Law Firms

Global News

IronBox logoCompany offers free trial of encryption technology to protect Microsoft Outlook emails

Redmond-based IronBox, a leader in Internet security, data protection and application security, today announced the launch of its email encryption technology for law firms. IronBox makes professional email encryption as simple as hitting the “send” button inside Microsoft Outlook.

nQueue Billback Publishes Cost Recovery Data Capture and Rate Report

Global News

nQueue logoWith data from 152 law firms, report is the most accurate benchmarking study of its kind

nQueue Billback the only truly global cost recovery provider and a leading provider of document scanning and routing solutions, today announced the publication of its Cost Recovery Data Capture and Rate Report. The report, with data collected from 152 law firms worldwide, is the largest source of cost recovery information available today.

Clio Gets a Facelift

Global News

Clio logoClio, the number one cloud-based practice management platform for the legal industry, announced today a comprehensive redesign of its interface as well as the introduction of new and exciting features. This marks the first major overhaul of the look and feel of the Clio application since the product’s inception.

Fifth Annual LexThink.1 Legal Event to Focus on ‘The End of Irrelevance'

Global News

LexThink logoProducers Homann & Forshee to hold 5th edition of Legal innovation event on the eve of 2014 ABA TECHSHOW

Matt Homann of LexThink LLC, a legal innovation consultancy, and JoAnna Forshee of InsideLegal, the insider’s guide to thought leadership and business in legal technology, today announced the fifth edition of LexThink.1 (LexThink Point One), an interactive and mind-sharing event that allows presenters (chosen via crowd-sourcing by the legal community) six minutes to speak with 20 slides automatically forwarding every 18 seconds.

Association of Corporate Counsel Chapter Leaders Choose Intralinks VIA Enterprise™

Global News

Intralinks logoAssociation chapter leaders are now using Intralinks to share, manage and control confidential legal documents

Intralinks® Holdings, Inc., a leading, global SaaS provider of inter-enterprise content management and collaboration solutions, today announced that it is providing the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC), a global bar association representing more than 33,000 in-house counsel, a secure and compliant collaboration service that will be used by the chapter leaders of the organization’s 55 chapters.

DocsCorp releases compareDocs 4 - next generation document comparison software

Global News

DocsCorp logoDocsCorp, a global leader in document productivity software for document management professionals, announced today a major upgrade to its compareDocs document comparison software, which allows users to compare two versions of a document for differences no matter what the format.  

Frayman Group Announces Legal Industry’s First Decision Management System

Global News

Frayman Group logoFrayman Group, a leading provider of business process management, business intake, risk and compliance software for law firms, today announced Compliguard Action, the legal industry’s first decision management system.  

Global 7 Technologies Appoints Charles Skamser as Senior Vice President

Global News

Global 7 TechnologiesIndustry veteran to manage sales and marketing

Global 7 Technologies (G7T), the creators of Global Discovery Network (GDN), a new generation, cloud based electronic business data discovery and review platform, today announced the appointment of industry veteran, well known entrepreneur and technology expert Charles Skamser as senior vice president responsible for sales and marketing.

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